超级防火墙ZoneAlarm Fina可注册汉化中文版
作者:桑三 日期:2008-09-11
ZoneAlarm保护你的电脑,防止特洛伊木马入侵。ZoneAlarm的设计是为了保护你的ADSL联机避免被黑客攻击。这个程序包含了四个连锁的安全服务;防火墙、应用程控、一个因特网保护锁、和防护区。ZoneAlarm Security Suite 版本增加了 IM Security 及 Web Filtering 的功能。ZoneAlarm使用很简单,你只要在安装时填入你的资料,如有最新的ZoneAlarm,你就可以网上更新。安装完后从新开机,ZoneAlarm就会自动启动,帮你执行任务。当有程序想要存取Internet时,如网络浏览器可能会出现连不上网络,这时你可以在右下角ZoneAlarm的小图示上按两下鼠标左键,选取Programs的选项,勾选你要让哪些软件上网,哪些不可以上网,利用此种方法来防治一些来路不明的软件偷偷上网。最好的方法是锁住(Lock)网络不让任何程序通过,只有你核准的软件才可以通行无阻。你还可利用它来看看你开机后已经使用多少网络资源,也可以设定锁定网络的时间。这么好用的软件你一定要亲自使用才能感觉到它的威力。
本站还发布过一个ZoneAlarm 5.5.114,也许就有会问用哪个版本好呢?在这让我来告诉你这个答案吧。如果你的机器配置够好,你够时尚够潮流,那么当然是新版的更适合你;相反如果你觉得你的机器还不怎么行,怕卡,那么你就毫无疑问选择老版的。其实它们二者无论哪个版本,我想都可以满足你的需求。就我个人而言,我还是喜欢用ZoneAlarm 5.5.114这个版本。
ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite version
◎ Security improvements:
△ Many Firewall/OSFirewall improvements stop more attacks, pass leak tests.
△ Enhanced self-protection. More hardening and other self-protection added to withstand an onslaught of attacks ("stability under fire")
△ Early boot protection - new icon with a special tooltip now appears sooner during start-up (though security is active even before the icon shows).
△ Enhanced: Root-kit protection within OSFirewall blocks more threats
△ New daily credit monitoring - monitors your credit reports daily with email alerts and reports; notifies you if there have been changes because these are often an indication of identity theft.
△ Newly updated Identity Protection Center makes it easier for you to protect your identity in the physical world too.
△ Various antivirus and anti-spyware improvements.
◎ Performance improvements:
△ Anti-virus: Scan modes added so you only scan what you need, increasing scan speed by 50% while still providing superior protection
Improved reboot time, login time, session start, UI loading, various other performance △ improvements throughout the product.
Ease-of-use improvements:
◎ New User Interface
△ One-click Fix-it button lets you fix issues instantly
△ Improvements in Smart Defense: Millions of applications have security access △ automatically pre-set so the user doesn’t have to set them
ZoneAlarm Pro:
ZoneAlarm with Antivirus:http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/free/1043_zl/zaAvSetup_80_015_000_en.exe
ZoneAlarm Security Suite:http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/free/1043_zl/zaSuiteSetup_80_015_000_en.exe

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